Sunday 28 January 2007

The First Post

I suppose I should start with a little about me. But I wont. I'll start with a little about what I'm not.

I am not:
An astroturfer
A Labour Party Employee
A member of the cabinet
Sleeping with a member of the cabinet
A seven foot lizard

I realise that is a strange way to start a blog, but stick with me.

My prevarication of choice is reading
Guido Fawkes's blog. If you're not familiar, its a blog written by an "anarcho-capitalist" seeking to bring down... well everything. In particular, he focuses on the scandals surrounding the Labour party, and as a result draws a readership from the right wing in Britain. Guido's comments section is well populated, usually with what I have difficulty in not describing as "frothing at the mouth, swivel eyed tory loons".

Reading their posts, you would have difficulty believing that Britain is not being run by Pol Pot. Until recently, I ignored the comments as I found them too depressing. But then I decided that I wouldn't ignore them any more and decided to start posting my own comments. Since then, I
have been called most of the things in the list above, hence my decision to start my own blog. Not that I'm complaining about Guido's commentators - I do enjoy winding up tories.

If nothing else I hope to show that, if I am a member of the Labour Party's elite Tory nut-job misinformation unit, then I'm not very busy and have the chance to blog on here now and again.

Which I probably won't. Ah well.


Guido Fawkes said...
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Anonymous said...

pete - I think you're v brave posting on Guido. Blair's death throes remind me of a bluebottle which won't give up the ghost.As a fellow Labour Party member, I have the champagne (well, Cava) on ice .In that respect, am at one with the Tory loons tho' in no other sense. do remeber May 97 - not fondly, but with great sadness now."Bliss was in it that dawn to be alive, etc etc , as Wordsworth said. But "no more glad confident morning" till the war criminal has gone.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Susan

Anonymous said...

Hi Pete

As one of the 'swivel eyed loons' that post on Guido occasionally, I would just like to say how sorry I feel for 'real' Labour party people. You party has been hijacked by opportunists and chancers. I was glad to see the back of the Tories in 1997, times were hard as a small business person. Disillusionment with NuLab set in very quickly. Some of us could see what sort of person he was from the start. What a shame he has dragged the reputation of our country down with him.

Aaron Murin-Heath said...

Good luck with the blogging pete,

I had seen your comments on Guido. Nice to see you starting out yourself. You're added to tygerland's blogroll.